To Wash or Not to Wash....
In article >, Tracy > wrote:
> >> Do you wash?
> >>
> >>
> >> -Tracy
> >
> > I always rinse meat off.
> > For steaks and stuff, it rinses off bone dust/fragments that are gritty
> > when eaten. For other stuff? Well, it just seems tidier and it was what
> > mom taught me to do.
> >
> > It sure won't hurt it!
> I totally agree. What can it hurt? I wash everything and always keep
> meat separate.
If nothing else, it rinses dust off of veggies, and any clotted blood
off of meat. I don't care for the texture of that stuff.
> The weird thing was that my friend didn't really have a reason why she
> didn't bother. If she had come out and said the USDA says..blah blah
> blah...but she didn't.
> She's not the best of cooks, but she at least tries.
> I don't remember my mother washing chicken. My husband used to work in
> the food industry (college dining) and is vigilant about food safety.
> -Tracy
Mom rinsed/washed all foods for various reasons.
The only thing I don't rinse off is bagged greens, but I'm reconsidering
I need a salad spinner.
Peace, Om
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"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch" -- Jack Nicholson