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sf[_3_] sf[_3_] is offline
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Default What is caponata and how do you make it?

On Wed, 22 Aug 2007 09:31:31 -0700, "The Ranger"
> wrote:

>What type of eggplant does he use, Italian, Japanese, Indian, or
>the standard eggplant? If he uses the standard eggplant, does he
>salt it prior to cutting it up to leach out the bitterness? Does
>he keep the skin on or peel it off?

I rarely salt eggplant and have never been sorry when I didn't. I'd
use just about any type for it. I think Japanese and Indian (the
round ones) would be great caponata.
>I like the recipe and plan on trying some today... I might add a
>few peppers (jalapeno and Serrano) to two jars.

Well, let's just say that's "different".


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A day's work for the chicken, a lifetime commitment for the pig.