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Pete C. Pete C. is offline
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Posts: 5,847
Default (2007-08-23) New survey on the RFC site: Defrosting...

Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Aug 23, 7:07 am, ChattyCathy > wrote:
> >
> >
> > Vote now! (or not)

> I had to vote MCINL for shellfish. I defrost shrimp right in a brine,
> per Cook's
> Illustrated. It goes really quickly because of the salt, and the
> shrimp
> come out season, plump and juicy. I don't really cook any other
> shellfish
> at home.
> Conceivably I could have voted for defrost in cold water, but that
> didn't seem
> quite right. If I didn't use the brine, I'd probably defrost them in
> the fridge
> rather than in plain cold water.
> Cindy Hamilton

I always keep shrimp in stock in the freezer. I just defrost in a bowl
of hot water for the two minutes it takes while I prep the sauté pan
with olive oil and seasonings and get it warming. In the two minutes it
takes the pan to warm up I peel the now defrosted shrimp and then they
go directly into the sauté pan.

This method works fast and well every time and while there are all sorts
of dire warnings about defrosting stuff in hot water, they just aren't
applicable to small items like shrimp that defrost so quickly and are
cooked immediately after.

Pete C.