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Melba's Jammin' Melba's Jammin' is offline
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Default The Thirteen Annual Schaller Ribbon Report

Here are my competition results this year at the Great Minnesota

Thirteen entries of 20 placed.

Five BLUE ribbons: Plum Jelly (YEAY!! That juice was four or five
years old!); Blackberry Jam, Watermelon Pickles, Stewed Tomatoes, Tomato
Juice. The tomato entries were blue last year, too.

Three RED (second place) ribbons: Crab Apple Jelly (from juice that had
to be five years old at least), Chili Sauce, Cherry Chipotle Relish.
The chili sauce and relish were blue last year.

Two WHITE (third place) ribbons: Peach Jam, Raspberry Jam (I'm thrilled
with that because I've never placed before -- there were 39 entries in
the lot. Sister Julie's raspberries again.).

Two PINK (fourth place) ribbons: Corn Relish, Raspberry Jelly. The
raspberry jelly wasn't as clean as I would have liked, but it tasted
wonderful! And I'm just happy the Corn Relish placed. It wasn't my
best year for that stuff in several ways.

One FIFTH place (no ribbon): Pepper Jelly.

The Beet Pickles got what they deserved: NOTHING! LOL! Dayam! Next

I won a First Place Ball Canning Award -- don't know which product yet,

I don't know if I've got enough points to be the Big Bopper Canner again
this year. They'll announce that on Saturday.

AND my White Bread was second!! Woo-woo! The White Bread Queen's was
third. All my other baking sucked. Too bad, too. I'd've kept the
apple pie and eaten it myself if I'd known that. . . . . <grin> The
bread ribbon is "speshul" because I haven't baked a "scratch" (i.e.,
without bread machine) loaf of white bread since last year's Fair entry.
.. . .

Maxine, it looks like I didn't underbake that bread after all . . .
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ - Fair baking