To Wash or Not to Wash....
On 22 Aug 2007 19:10:39 GMT, "Default User" >
>Tracy wrote:
>> I visited a friend this past weekend and we cooked together. I
>> always wash/rinse my chicken before cooking and she said she never
>> does.
>I rinse off chicken and pat dry it with a paper towel. This isn't a
>concern about bacteria, it's just that chicken usually is a bit
>slippery, and it's easier to handle that way.
i tried non-rinsing once for a red-cooked chicken dish, and the sauce
did not seem to color the skin at all. (it would be brown, not red.)
i went back to rinsing. never with beef or pork, though - they just
get blotted with a paper towel.
your pal,