Thread: Food Saver woes
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The Cook The Cook is offline
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Default Food Saver woes

On Thu, 23 Aug 2007 11:34:45 -0400, Steve Calvin
> wrote:

>EZ wrote:
>> I read the instructions cover to cover,
>> and didn't see anywhere where you were supposed to have either the smooth
>> side or the checkerboard side of the bag up or down.
>> And, I'm not using bags - I'm using the rolls, and making bags as I go.
>> Don't know if that makes a difference, either.

>I make my own bags from rolls as well. I've found that on
>any given bag, with the bag laying flat, the end to be
>sealed will naturally curve one way or the other. Lay the
>bag with the end to be sealed on which ever side is
>naturally curving down into the trough.
>As others have said, it's extremely important to have the
>inside of the bag material dry for the first few inches.

The best way to keep the top clean is to fold it down for filling.
That keeps the water or grease off the top edge.
Susan N.

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Vittorio De Sica, Italian movie director (1901-1974)