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notbob notbob is offline
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On 2007-08-23, Bill Davis Jr > wrote:

> Hello everyone my name is William.

Do you prefer Bill or William? Regardless, welcome aboard.

> a couple of weeks ago. Had to weed through the junk posts first.

A required skill.

> I am also new to cooking.

No problem. Not all of us are master chefs. In fact, hardly any of

> I am reading some of the cooking websites and looking through a few
> cookbooks.

Your local library is an excellent resource. Even the most meager
library usually has a collection of cookbooks way out of proportion to
it's size.

> What I would really be interested cookware, prepware and tools /
> gadgets.

A never ending source of discussion, here. Pressure cookers, cutlery,
kitchen gadgets, food processors, etc, will be debated relentlessly.
Keep your eye open and take notes.

> One item in particular is I see the chefs using the same type of
> mixing bowl. Anyone tell me the brands of different mixing bowls.

You have to realize so much of kitchenware is a matter of preference.
As Goomba states, she prefers glass. I prefer stainless steel (SS).
Both are excellent and it's hard to make a case against one being
better than the other. She doesn't like plastic, I don't mind it for
cold mixing/storage. Again, personal preference.

> Cookware.

Sure, there is some really good cookware out there. There's also some
insanely overpriced stuff, too. French copperware and All-Clad come
to mind. Paying big bucks for this stuff is nonsense as you can get
great cookware for a third the price. Again, a lot is personal
preference. Aluminum vs SS, cast iron vs non-stick, etc.

Hang out and pay attention. All these subjects will come up at least
once in the next month.
