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Pete C. Pete C. is offline
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Default Mom's Home & Clam Chowder

Goomba38 wrote:
> Pete C. wrote:
> > I immediately fire any doctor that doesn't follow my orders. They are a
> > service provider - nothing more - they follow my orders or they loose my
> > business.
> >
> > Pete C.

> ...and you went to medical school where...?

Makes absolutely no difference, my body, my money, my orders - period!

I will not *ever* mindlessly follow orders from some egotistical service
provider, nor will I put them on some sort of pedestal. Their role is to
answer questions and make recommendations, my role is to ask questions
and make decisions, and of course make sure the bills get paid.

They are more than welcome to make their recommendations, however if I
disagree with them and specify something else, that's it period, I will
tolerate no arguments. If they have a big ego, they will get fired very
quickly, however if they are able to put their ego aside and have a
reasonable discussion with me, they invariably come to accept my
decision and respect the reasons for that decision.

It's not like I'm badgering them for some Oxycontin prescription after
all, my decisions are always quite reasonable based on the unique
requirements of my particular situation. Typically it boils down to not
wasting my time with crap I know doesn't work, or trading higher risk
for better results due to my lack of dependents to worry about.

Pete C.