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[email protected] is offline
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Default campden tablets : I get too much sulphur in my wine

Just to add to the already good advice. The lower the Ph the less SO2
needed. I don't remember the actual amounts but if your Ph is high,
say around 3.8-4.0 you need more SO2 in ppm to protect it compared to
if the Ph was , say, 3.2.


Greg Lorriman wrote:
> A few years ago I made a 7 gallon batch of wine. I followed the usual
> instructions of adding a couple of campden tablets per gallon on each
> racking (2 times) and just before bottling.
> The wine never shook off the sulphur smell. I even had a a bottle of
> that batch 8 years later (from a friend who was too scared to drink
> it) that still had the sulphur odour.
> My guess is that this may be because I was careful not to splash as a
> I racked, and so little oxygen entered the wine and the sodium
> metabisuplphate was not consequently 'taken-up'.
> I've only just returned to winemaking and I don't want this happening
> to a 7 gallon batch of peach wine that I must rack in the next few
> days?
> Any theories, similar experiences? Do you do splashless rackings? Had
> an over-sulphured wine?
> Perhaps I shouldn't plunge the end of the tube in to the collecting
> wine, as I rack, and let it dangle splashily above instead?
> Any wise words, particularly of experience, appreciated.
> Greg