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Default The Thirteen Annual Schaller Ribbon Report

On Thu, 23 Aug 2007 09:43:00 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
> wrote:

>Here are my competition results this year at the Great Minnesota
>Thirteen entries of 20 placed.
>Five BLUE ribbons: Plum Jelly (YEAY!! That juice was four or five
>years old!); Blackberry Jam, Watermelon Pickles, Stewed Tomatoes, Tomato
>Juice. The tomato entries were blue last year, too.
>Three RED (second place) ribbons: Crab Apple Jelly (from juice that had
>to be five years old at least), Chili Sauce, Cherry Chipotle Relish.
>The chili sauce and relish were blue last year.
>Two WHITE (third place) ribbons: Peach Jam, Raspberry Jam (I'm thrilled
>with that because I've never placed before -- there were 39 entries in
>the lot. Sister Julie's raspberries again.).
>Two PINK (fourth place) ribbons: Corn Relish, Raspberry Jelly. The
>raspberry jelly wasn't as clean as I would have liked, but it tasted
>wonderful! And I'm just happy the Corn Relish placed. It wasn't my
>best year for that stuff in several ways.
>One FIFTH place (no ribbon): Pepper Jelly.
>The Beet Pickles got what they deserved: NOTHING! LOL! Dayam! Next
>I won a First Place Ball Canning Award -- don't know which product yet,
>I don't know if I've got enough points to be the Big Bopper Canner again
>this year. They'll announce that on Saturday.
>AND my White Bread was second!! Woo-woo! The White Bread Queen's was
>third. All my other baking sucked. Too bad, too. I'd've kept the
>apple pie and eaten it myself if I'd known that. . . . . <grin> The
>bread ribbon is "speshul" because I haven't baked a "scratch" (i.e.,
>without bread machine) loaf of white bread since last year's Fair entry.
>. . .
>Maxine, it looks like I didn't underbake that bread after all . . .

Congratulations! I thought I saw a trend.... aged ingredients, but
then you went and messed it up. Maybe that's what your pickles needed
- a little age. Sorry about that pepper jelly (I love
sweet/sour/hot). Better luck next time! All in all, I think you did
ok. The Big Bopper award may be yours after all.


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