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Posted to misc.consumers.frugal-living,
Phred Phred is offline
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Posts: 1,107
Default Which steak is better?

In article >, "Rod Speed" > wrote:
>Melissa > wrote
>> Omelet > wrote
>>> James > wrote

>>>> Is it a good idea to freeze fresh steak when they are on sale?
>>>> Usually already frozen steaks are cheaper than fresh.

>>> I've never seen frozen steaks for sale.
>>> Yes, I freeze steaks when I get them on sale.
>>> Double bagged or vacuum sealed.

>> Just don't freeze them in the wrapping they are in from the store.
>> Re-wrap in something that allows you to get as much air out as possible.

>Its a lot easier to let the steak wet the plastic than to try getting as much
> air out as possible.
>> Then use them within 6 months at the most.

>They're fine for longer than that if you let the steak wet the plastic before
> freezing.

Hey, Rod! What are you doing here in Or are you
just living frugally these days? (With no water in the creek down
there I suppose you have to be careful. :-) [The Condamine is running
again in the headwaters, maybe some will reach you. Pity the 713 mm
received at Rainbow Beach in the past 24 hours (to 9 a.m. 24 Aug 07)
just ran back into the bloody sea instead of into a dam somewhere! ]

Returning to topic: Oz MSA standards seem to be pretty reliable now,
certainly possible to get some really good chewing steak these days
fairly consistently (at a price!) instead of the traditional roulette!

Cheers, Phred.
