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Blinky the Shark Blinky the Shark is offline
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Default Oldest item in your kitchen?

Terry Pulliam Burd wrote:

> Okay, you triggered a memory lane moment. My mother used to have a
> glass soda bottle (I swear I recall it being Pepsi) with some gadget
> that was a sprinkler-stopper made for the purpose of sprinkling
> clothes with water before ironing. It looked a lot like a tiny garden
> watering can's spout with the little perforations for the water to
> trickle out and a base surrounded with cork that wedged into the
> bottle top.

And it was made of thin metal, wasn't it?

> And why did she also dampen the clothes off the clothes line that
> needed to be ironed, put them in a plastic bag and then in the
> refrigerator until she could get around to ironing them? It never
> occurred to me until I was an adult that this seemed a strange
> housekeeping practice.
> I also remember Mother's electric mangle for ironing linens.

How about a wringer? I can remember my grandmother using a wringer.
And a big stainless straight-sided laundry tub, and agitating the
clothes with what I remember as being like a big maybe inch-and-a-half
around piece of dowel probably a couple feet long.

And when the coal bin in the basement got converted into a food storage
room, when the coal furnace got replaced with an oil burner.

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