Omelet said...
> In article >,
> George > wrote:
>> >> Next time you're in town!!!
>> >
>> > If I ever go there, I'll go shopping with you. :-)
>> Its an interesting part of town especially if you are into cooking and
>> real food. There is the Italian street market (where Fantes is located)
>> and within a few blocks are the best Pho, Mexican and Middle Eastern
>> restaurants in town, a great bakery that makes real baked goods and the
>> touristy dueling cheesesteak places.
> Sounds like some parts of North Austin...
The Italian market is supposedly the longest running open air food market
in the country. There ARE lots of specialty food stores hidden there behind
the sidewalk vendors, so that may or may not be accurate.
No glitz whatsoever.
It can be a traffic nightmare (one way, one lane of traffic and two curb
lanes of short term parking). Supply trucks and larger buyers will jump out
and deliver or grab food orders, stopping traffic for minutes at a time.
It's definitely an exercise in patience during business hours, but I guess
that's Foodbiz for ya!