Thread: Ethical Query
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Edwin Pawlowski Edwin Pawlowski is offline
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Default Ethical Query

"Terry Pulliam Burd" > wrote in message
> While he perused the wine list, he found what he was certain was a
> typo. Wine X, which is a favorite of his, was priced at $X7 and he was
> sure it should have been priced $200 more than that (I checked - he
> was right).

How did you check? Could be a slight difference from what you think it is
or the restaurant got a good eal when they bought the wine a few years ago.
Did you check witht he restaurant?

> My first reaction when my boss told me this story was that when we
> finish the current lawsuit, we not take on any more work for him. If
> he's willing to cheat a restaurant, he won't hesitate to cheat anyone
> else. And a client like that we do not need or want.

Cheated? He bought what was offeed for sale at the price asked. If the
bottle had a price tag of $200 and he slipped it by the staff for $20, that
is cheating, if not downright theft. He did nothing illeagal, possibly
immoral, but we don't know that for sure. If it was a similar typo (if it
was indeed a typo) in the Wal Mart sales flyer, everyone would be jumping at
them for not selling the item at that price, shouting corporate greed!

I bought some wine that sells for $45 a bottle for $10. I just bought it at
the right time and let it age for five years while the price of the
remaining stock went up. How do you know the restaurant did not do the same

Not knowing how you checked the situation, you may or may not be jumping to

> My boss
> acknowledges my concerns, and says that he is more valuable to the
> client than the client is to us, so if I want to cross him off our
> client list, it's okay with him.

He may or may not be scum. Same for the lawyer. I don't know either so I'm
not in a position to draw any conclusions, but the fact is, some clients are
scum, so are some lawyers.

> Am I overreacting?

Can't say from what I know.