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aem aem is offline
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Default Chili rellanos & deep fryer

On Aug 25, 7:43 pm, Keith > wrote:
> I have a mission; I used to live in Columbus Ohio and a restaraunt there
> has the best chili rellanos I've ever had. [big snip]
> (2) a recipe that is like what I'm trying to replicate. These chilis hold
> their shape (not panfried), and seem to have more of a thick cornbread
> batter rather than what I've had at other places (more of a flour and egg
> batter). ['nother big snip]

Are you sure about a "cornbread batter"? That would be quite
unusual. The typical chile relleno batter is whipped egg whites,
beaten egg yolks folded in, and a little flour and maybe a pinch of
salt. Say 3 eggs and 3 TB flour. That sounds fragile, but it's not
when deepfried at about 400F. It adheres well to the chiles (some
people lightly dust them with flour before dipping in the batter), and
fries to a nice golden substantial coating. I'd recommend trying that
before searching for a heavier batter that may not have been what you
thought it was.

By the way, if you decide to use just a pot rather than a deep fryer
appliance, note that "full of oil" is figurative speech. You don't
ever want to use more oil than half the pot's capacity. Too
dangerous. -aem