Thread: Ethical Query
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Charles Quinn Charles Quinn is offline
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Posts: 138
Default Ethical Query

Terry Pulliam Burd > wrote in
> While he perused the wine list, he found what he was certain was a
> typo. Wine X, which is a favorite of his, was priced at $X7 and he was
> sure it should have been priced $200 more than that (I checked - he
> was right). He promptly ordered 4 bottles, 2 to take home.

> My first reaction when my boss told me this story was that when we
> finish the current lawsuit, we not take on any more work for him. If
> he's willing to cheat a restaurant, he won't hesitate to cheat anyone
> else. And a client like that we do not need or want. My boss
> acknowledges my concerns, and says that he is more valuable to the
> client than the client is to us, so if I want to cross him off our
> client list, it's okay with him.
> Am I overreacting?

The prices on a menu are a contract. If you are the restaurant and
publish a contract then you are obligated to honor the contract. I worked
at a restaurant where we showed a piece of pie in the menu, the one
delivered was not anything like the picture. Manager told me it took
three pieces of pie to make it look as big as the strawberry pie in the


The significant problems we face cannot be solved
at the same level of thinking we were at when we
created them. Albert Einstein