On Aug 26, 11:31�am, Omelet > wrote:
> In article . com>,
> *Sheldon > wrote:
> > On Aug 26, 10:33ï¿ am, Omelet <omp > wrote:
> > > In article >,
> > > *enigma > wrote:
> > > > i haven't seen DelMonte in ages! when we bought catsup, it was
> > > > Heinz... but we're trying to eliminate HFCS from our diets.
> > > > amazing how much bought food contains HFCS.
> > > > lee
> > > I've been considering making my own Catsup using canned tomato paste to
> > > avoid the sugar content of commercial brands.
> > Why... you plan on drinking the stuff. *Maybe you should consider what
> > you're plopping it on instead, tons of greasy fried crap. *Tomatoes
> > naturally contain substantial sugar, but folks over indulge with
> > ketchup primarilly for the salt fix... you shouldn't be having any
> > ketchup... try switching to vinegar instead. *Heinz produces a nice
> > selection of vinegars.
> >http://www.heinzvinegar.com
> I use Catsup in things like Deviled egg recipes and tuna salads.
I can't imagine you put enough ketchup in deviled eggs to notice if it
were omitted... I would be very suspicious of peach hued egg yolk
anyway... and ketchup in tuna salad... BLECH!
> I happen to really like tomatoes.
> And they are high in anti-oxidants.
Well then, just eat fresh tomatoes (duh), they gotta contain more of
whatever is good and nothing bad. I seriously doubt there is much
tomato benefit from eating ketchup, just a lotta Heinz hype... ketchup
is a condiment, not an entree, not even an appetizer... you need to
rearrange your priorities, seriously. I don't think there is much of
the nutrition people eat tomatoes for in cooked tomatoes.... the fiber
is negated, the Vitamin C is destroyed, and any antioxidants are
seriously degraded... all you got is caramelized sugar and some
salt... cooked to death tomato is essentially junk food.
Right now I have a glut of tomatoes, can't eat them fast enough...
breakfast this morning was a two quart bowl filled with diced fresh
tomatoes, fresh picked parsley, a half a minced onion, juice of one
lime, and lots of fresh ground black pepper... no added salt, no fat,
no chemicals... I was too lazy to go to the garden for a cucumber.
Probably for dinner, with a can of sardines in tomato sauce (man can't
live by fiber alone, gots to have some quality protein).