what's wrong with my bread?
On Aug 26, 11:33 am, " BOB" > wrote:
> "baltimoreben" > wrote in message
> ups.com...
> >I used to bake all my bread, now only have time to do so on rare
> > occasion. unfortunately, as often as not i have the same
> > unsatisfactory result -- loaves that don't even reach the top of the
> > pan when they come out of the oven. wondering what might be the
> > problem, not enough time for experimentation, so looking for educated
> > guesses from others. in my mind, it could be
> Use a shorter pan?
now that's the kind of constructive suggestion is was looking for
(not). sorry, been using the same pans forever, that's not the
answer. it's something to do with the rise it's (not) getting in the
second rise or in the oven that i want to remedy, not how it looks at
the end of the process. as it is now the taste is fine, it's cooked
through nicely, it's just squat and makes for awfully small sandwiches