Peter A > wrote:
>In article >, says...
>> Regarding the wine list, sometimes a wine stays at a low price
>> on a winelist even as its market price has gone up with time.
>> They could have bought it pre-arrival at a bargain, and never
>> marked it up to market. Probably they are not losing any money.
>First of all, pre-arrival purchases never make that much of a difference
>in price in wine.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
I remember buying 1984 Chateau Le Pin for $40 at wholesale
upon landing. It would have been less pre-arrival. A
few years later, we noticed it on the winelist at
Chez Panisse for $105 -- and immediately bought a bottle,
as it would be more than twice that retail.
I see where recent vintages of Le Pin are $800 to $1800/bottle.