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Whirled Peas Whirled Peas is offline
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Posts: 13
Default Ladeez and Gennelmen, the Grand Poobah for Canning is. . . .

Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> . . . somebody else. Bummer.
> Oy, such a horse race it was. We were tied for points (they assign 5
> points for first, 4 for second, etc., down to fourth place). TIED!

I don't know about the Minnesota State Fair, but some fairs have a
special award just for this situation, where the judges are deadlocked
in deciding the best of the best. The judges feel bad about giving all
the glory to one, when the other is just as good. It might only be
awarded every 10 years, and even then, only if the judges know they can
award it. The award is called something like "Award of Special Merit",
"Award of Special Distinction" or similar. If it were horses (see above)
it is usually called "Reserve Grand Champion" and is not nearly so rare.

I think you was robbed!