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Melba's Jammin' Melba's Jammin' is offline
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Default Ladeez and Gennelmen, the Grand Poobah for Canning is. . . .

In article >,
unge (Little Malice) wrote:

> I was thinking about you the other day -- Sister needs me to help
> pick raspberries next week and we're going to make jam. I haven't
> done any canning since I was a teen and used to help my Mom, so
> I'm kind of looking forward to it. Sister is considering entering
> some jams at the Puyallup Fair next year. I told her to go for it,
> since you don't live here and won't be competing, she might have
> a chance... ;-)

Heh! Good luck on the raspberry jam. Our Fair gets more entries for
raspberry and strawberry jams than for any other "regular" single-fruit
lot. That I placed third for mine is sweet. There were 39 entries.
Tell her to go for it ‹ it's fun to be on the "inside" of the whole

I get my berries from Sister Julie -- she doesn't charge enough for them
but, hey, she sets the price. (Kind of like Terri's wine ethics
question.) I take all she will sell to me. She's going to raise her
price next year and I'll take all she'll sell me then, too. I don't
have to pick them.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ - Fair baking