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George[_1_] George[_1_] is offline
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Default Microwave baked potato?

Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> Goomba38 > wrote:
>>> I loathe those foil wrapped things most restaurants serve ya. If I
>>> want a baked potato, I make this decision around 4 pm, then get 'em
>>> into my toaster oven at 450 for at LEAST an hour and a half. Love
>>> that crispy inner skin which I don't think any other method can
>>> produce.

>> I hear you! I don't own a toaster oven but do them in the regular oven
>> for about 90 min or so too. Nice dry skins, crispy and begging to be
>> scooped out of potato then the skins loaded up with butter, salt and
>> pepper. No disgusting foil on *my* potatoes, please!

> We've never wrapped them in foil either (except for yams).

Yams also do much better with no wrapping. I put them on the bottom rack
and put a small square of foil on the oven floor. Unwrapped roasted yams
develop a really nice caramelization layer and don't need much more than
slicing and eating.

> Do you ever use potato spikes to speed cooking?
> I've actually started pressure cooking yams since the peel is not edible
> anyway. It's worked really well. 12 to 15 minutes at pressure.