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[email protected] is offline
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Posts: 33
Default Utilizing my 8 quart pressure cooker (Presto)

I have been overhauling my whole diet. Not that I was eating ba but I
could become a pre-Type II diabetic (or) a diabetic if I am not
careful. (Family history of aunts and uncles.)
I want to have as low calorie and fat as possible in my recipe using
Presto 01282 8-Quart Aluminum Pressure Cooker and Canner.

There is a little booklet with recipes that comes with the pressure
cooker but a quick look the other day tells me that it's more wokr
than I like in gettignt he ingredient. I am looking for a simple
recipe that would give soft (not grilled textured) chicken breast that
is flavorful and can be used in a salad that would be made with spring
mix, strawberries, walnut, etc. and vinergarette dressing.

Sharing a well tried recipe or two is appreciated.
