Thread: Ethical Query
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Ophelia[_4_] Ophelia[_4_] is offline
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Default Ethical Query

Omelet wrote:
> Compared to many in third world countries, even many poor (minimum
> wage level) here are wealthy with a house/apt. with electricity and
> running water, a TV set, refrigerator and microwave.
> And usually at least one car. Maybe not in good shape, but still...

as you may know, I work in Social History. A few years ago we had a set in
on of our museums showing a miner's cottage from the previous century. It
consisted of a fireplace, wooden table and two chairs. as well as some
cooking pots

One day some people from our local council brought some visitors. They were
from Africa and were with our council to learn how to run an area. I was
showing them around the exhibition and got to the miner's cottage. I was
explaining how poor these miners had been and how bereft of comfort.

I felt dreadful when they didn't understand what I was saying.. to them,
that cottage was luxury. I never made that mistake again