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Omelet Omelet is offline
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Default Microwave baked potato?

In article <VYAAi.1385$Ya2.1194@trnddc05>,
"James Silverton" > wrote:

> Omelet wrote on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 08:55:46 -0500:
> ??>> Returning to potatoes! I like to make mashed potatoes with
> ??>> baking potatoes usually nuked. There is one bonus in that,
> ??>> after removing the potato, the skins can be crisped
> ??>> quickly in the conventional oven as a bonus!
> ??>>
> ??>> James Silverton
> ??>> Potomac, Maryland
> O> I pressure cooked potatoes for mashed.
> O> Easy to peel.
> O> And faster.
> I don't have a pressure cooker but is it really quicker than a
> microwave? In any case, as I said, I use baking-type potatoes
> and I've never boiled them. Nuked or conventionally baked they
> make very good mashed potatoes.
> James Silverton

My Microwave does not do multiple potatoes (or other bulk items) that

If I were to do, say, 8 baked spuds in the M-wave, I'd have to set it
for at least 1 hour and it would overheat. I'd have to do them 2 or 3 at
a time at 20 minutes or so.

I can put 8 to 10 potatoes in the pressure cooker and put about 1" of
water in it. It will come to pressure in 10 minutes with that, and I can
set a timer for 15 minutes.

Done to perfection in a total of 25 to 30 minutes.
Peace, Om

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