Utilizing my 8 quart pressure cooker (Presto)
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Melba's Jammin'
external usenet poster
Posts: 12,124
Utilizing my 8 quart pressure cooker (Presto)
In article . com>,
> than I like in gettignt he ingredient. I am looking for a simple
> recipe that would give soft (not grilled textured) chicken breast that
> is flavorful and can be used in a salad that would be made with spring
> mix, strawberries, walnut, etc. and vinergarette dressing.
> Sharing a well tried recipe or two is appreciated.
> Time
A nice way to do chicken for such a purpose is to poach it. I do it
like this: Cover boneless, skinless chicken breasts with chicken broth
(however you want to make it), bring it to a boil, then *remove it from
the heat source and let it stand, covered, for 20-30 minutes.* It's
moist. Just use a saucepan, not your pressure cooker with gasket and
gauge in place.
The pressure cooker is at its best, IMO, for that which requires long
cooking. This isn't a pressure cooker method.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
- Fair baking
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Melba's Jammin'
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