Thread: Leeks
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Omelet Omelet is offline
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Default Leeks

In article >, "cybercat" >

> "Omelet" > wrote
> > Veggies are grown in dirt. Why does that scare people?

> I missed the part where anyone sounded scared. I just find really dirty
> store-bought produce damned inconvenient, likely because it is often
> so expensive. For that price they can damned well wash the stuff.

It would double in price most likely.
Produce is a fraction of the price of meat.

Meat gets a LOT more handling.

Sorry, but I can wash it myself, thanks!

When I eat more veggies, my grocery bill goes down.

Leeks have to be taken apart to wash them properly.
It's in the nature of the beast.

Easiest solution? Don't eat leeks.

I personally think they are worth the effort and they are expensive
enough as it is.
Peace, Om

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