Thread: Leeks
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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default Leeks

> wrote:

>The easiest way to wash leeks:

>Make a slit lengthwise through the white parts of the leek but do not
>cut all the way through
>Rinse the leeks under running water, separating the leaves starting
>from the out parts to the inner parts, just sliding your finger along
>to loosen the dirt.
>This way all of the dirt will come out and you can now use the leeks
>the way you want.

I agree. Just to add some to this description, before washing
I make one or two slits which start about 1/2 inch from the root end
of the leek, and go lengthwise to the green end of the leek.

This works nicely because the leeks are still whole in appearance
(the unslit root end holds them together) which helps their

I simmer leeks in water to which small amounts of vegetable broth,
hydrolyzed vegetable protein and black pepper have been added.
Using chicken broth is commonplace but for whatever reasons I
find this completely unappetizing.
