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Default Mayo and keeping kosher

On Sat, 18 Oct 2003 13:35:27 GMT, "Edwin Pawlowski" >

>"Sylvia" > wrote in message >
>> OTOH, basic mayo just contains egg, lemon juice, salt, and oil, and I
>> don't remember whether egg is meat, dairy, or pareve (can be eaten with
>> either milk or meat).

>From the Kosher Food FAQ:
>PAREVE (neutral) Food:
>Fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits and grains may be eaten with either milk or
>meat dishes.

Interesting. Do you know of any reference (web site) that explains the
reasons behind kosher food directives? I've always thought they must
be based on ritualizing good sanitary practices, and boiling a kid in
its mother's milk seems kind of mean, but if you can eat milk and
meat, but only on separate dishes, what purpose (other than ritual)
does that serve?