Thread: Leeks
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flitterbit flitterbit is offline
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Posts: 428
Default Leeks

Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> flitterbit > wrote:
>>> Ooh I've always been able to use ALL of the leaves from a hydroponic
>>> head. They get special packaging. Hard plastic packaging with the water
>>> well for the roots. And it protects the outer leaves for eating.
>>> They are packaged in a cube case, not in cellophane.
>> >
>> >

>> That's why I prefer buying the hydroponic variety; only a couple of
>> times over the years have any of the outside leaves been badly damaged

> They are things of beauty aren't they?

Indeed, whereas the regular ones look just fine until you pick them up
and see that half the head is unusable, which rather increases the
price, so there ends up being little difference in cost between the
hydroponic and the non-.