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Default Percentage of ignorance...

On Aug 27, 5:52 pm, "The Joneses" > wrote:
> "Omelet" > wrote in message
> news >
> > The recent thread on dirty leeks made me think about just how many
> > people have no clu' where food really comes from.

> > In the event of a nuclear holocaust, what is the estimated percentage of
> > humans that could even begin to survive? How many can consider
> > harvesting a wild plant for food? How many people can dress out a fresh
> > animal for food?
> > Frogs? Fish? Rabbits? Deer? Etc.?
> > How many people really know where food comes from (other than grossery
> > stores) so could survive off of the land?
> > How many people can hunt and gather like our ancestors did for thousands
> > of years?
> > This would make a really cool survey. :-)
> > Peace, Om

> Since most of us have pets, would you friccasee your cat if you were
> fixin' to starve? Hard to think about.
> I have enough calories in jam form to last a couple years.. And enough
> herbals in text and preserved to stay alive awhile anyway.
> Neat book series was _Island in the Sea of Time_ by S.M. Stirling.
> Explored what happened when Nantucket Island and a Coast Guard ship were
> tripped back to 1300 bc. Lots of very coincidental things happened to help
> them survive, but very eye opening on just how hard it is to "live off the
> land." Edrena

Strange you should mention that because I was thinking about "Dies The
Fire", in which the author has all the non-Nantucket world lose
functioning gunpowder, steam power, electricity, and every other thing
that made the industrial revolution possible.

Needless to say, it made food distribution and travel MUCH harder.
Iowa and other food heavy regions survived intact, no place else did.