Percentage of ignorance...
On Aug 28, 11:06 am, Omelet > wrote:
> In article >,
> "Pete C." > wrote:
> > > What percentage would you calculate?
> > Difficult to calculate globally as it would vary greatly from area to
> > area.
> > In places like parts of Africa I expect the survival skills exist,
> > however the resources to support the overpopulation do not so with the
> > end of the constant foreign food aid that makes the overpopulation
> > possible I expect there would be probably a 75% population drop between
> > starvation and conflict over the limited resources.
> Yeah. They tend to lack the resources and refuse to practice birth
> control.
The flacid penis men* who run the Catholic Church give them food so
they can have more babies, but won't give them birth control because
that's "immoral."
* I shouldn't call them that, after all, they sure seem able to get
nice stiff erections when there are twelve year old boys involved.
> --
> Peace, Om