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George[_1_] George[_1_] is offline
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Default Percentage of ignorance...

Omelet wrote:
> The recent thread on dirty leeks made me think about just how many
> people have no clu' where food really comes from.
> In the event of a nuclear holocaust, what is the estimated percentage of
> humans that could even begin to survive? How many can consider
> harvesting a wild plant for food? How many people can dress out a fresh
> animal for food?
> Frogs? Fish? Rabbits? Deer? Etc.?
> How many people really know where food comes from (other than grossery
> stores) so could survive off of the land?
> How many people can hunt and gather like our ancestors did for thousands
> of years?
> This would make a really cool survey. :-)
> I'd guestimate less than 25%, at least in American cities.
> I've personally known humans that could not change a light bulb, plunge
> a toilet, or roast a ham steak. (I kid you not!)
> Dad is watching me type this and laughing, saying that I'm being
> generous in my estimate...

This girl would be a survivor: