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Pete C. Pete C. is offline
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Default Percentage of ignorance...

Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> "Pete C." > wrote:
> > > What percentage would you calculate?

> >
> > Difficult to calculate globally as it would vary greatly from area to
> > area.
> >
> > In places like parts of Africa I expect the survival skills exist,
> > however the resources to support the overpopulation do not so with the
> > end of the constant foreign food aid that makes the overpopulation
> > possible I expect there would be probably a 75% population drop between
> > starvation and conflict over the limited resources.

> Yeah. They tend to lack the resources and refuse to practice birth
> control.

They definitely lack the resources, however the birth control problem is
due in large part to religious terrorists from the US who should be at a
UN tribunal being charged with crimes against humanity.

> >
> > In the US I think the survival skills are more scarce, but the
> > overpopulation isn't as bad and the society is a bit more stable so I
> > expect perhaps a 30% reduction over time and a smaller amount of
> > conflicts. Not that there wouldn't be conflicts of course, just less
> > than in a country where constant war is the norm.

> Hm. I dunno. A lot of city kids really have no clue. (correct spelling
> of "clue" for JSB the anal). ;-)

Yes, but don't forget that they will form a market for those who do have
the survival skills and can barter for assistance. They aren't in total
isolation for the most part.

> >
> > Places like Canada I'd expect pretty low losses, perhaps 10%.

> Probably true. They have winter to deal with and more of them probably
> hunt. Maybe. Their gun laws are more draconian.

There are still a lot of guns in Canada, and the biggest factor is the
population to resources ratio which will serve to limit conflict.

> > The
> > population in the cities likely lacks the survival skills just like in
> > the US, but the country is large enough and has enough resources and
> > people still living in the outlying areas with survival skills that
> > there shouldn't be any big conflicts.
> >
> > Wonder when we'll see a test of this...

> Let's hope not.

Dunno, everything seems to be doing the tidy bowl spiral these days...