In article >, "cybercat" >
> "Omelet" > wrote:
> >>
> >> What is with you? Take a mean pill today?
> >
> > Yeah, I noted I was being a bit bitchy earlier this morning.
> > Probably all those freakin' weird nightmares I had last night.
> >
> > Ugh.
> Also, I think you might be sleepwalking. (The cut foot did
> not come from nowhere.) Careful, careful. I wound up with
> a serious back injury that just recently healed completely
> from going head over heels down a flight of steps onto a
> slate floor. Happened when I quit smoking a few years
> back--it's a classic reaction to stress and also to sleep
> problems, aka apnea, etc. People who are overly tired,
> said my doc, may begin sleepwalking. He cured me of it,
> too. If at any point you think you might be sleepwalking,
> email me for more. (Preferably when you're awake. )
Probably over-tired.
I'm not known to sleep walk, but that cut toe does scare me a bit. :-(
If the trend continues, I'll talk to you and my doc about it.
It's rather dangerous!
An entire night of memorable nightmares for me is rare.
Peace, Om
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"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch" -- Jack Nicholson