Thread: Leeks
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cybercat cybercat is offline
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Default Leeks

"Omelet" > wrote
> I'm not known to sleep walk, but that cut toe does scare me a bit. :-(

Even after I fell down the stairs, I did not believe my husband when
he said I was sleepwalking. I thought I had just gone downstairs to
get a glass of water in the middle of the night while really sleepy.
(In addition to the back injury which caused sciatia, I broke my
coccyx. The first injury to cause spontaneous, non-emotional
tears to run down my face--it HURT. Had to sit on the donut
for a while and all. I had gone head over heels, bounced off a step
between L-3 and L-4 (had a huge stair-shaped bruise there) and
landed on my ass on the stone floor.

He was determined to convince me I was sleepwalking so I would
take steps to stop--he said I could kill myself on the stairs if I kept
it up.

So one night I went to bed before he did, turned out the lights, etc.,
and next thing I know, I am sitting up with the light on, rummaging
in the nightstand and he is talking to me. He asked what I was doing,
and I heard myself say, "looking for my curling iron." Thing is, I have
not owned a curling iron for 15 years. So then I believed him. I
was caught red-handed "sleep rummaging." So I saw my doc about it.

> If the trend continues, I'll talk to you and my doc about it.

It's good you have someone living with you, had I not, I don't think
I ever would have believed I was sleepwalking. Hopefully you're
not. By the way, I had no indication of ever sleepwalking before--
though I have always talked, laughed, sang, told jokes ...

> It's rather dangerous!

It is. I was lucky.

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