King of Spices?
On Tue, 28 Aug 2007 16:11:24 -0500, Steve Wertz
> wrote:
>Stick a few in your mouth and chrumnh them up a little with your
>front teeth and roll them around on the front of your tongue for
>one of strangest culinary sensations you'll ever experience.
>They're not hot, as you mention. And it's not a trick. Just try
Yes, my housesitter who is staying with me for a few days was doing
that. She was entranced by them. She is studying chemical
engineering at UNM, and was trying to figure them out.
I had thought they would add a lot of heat, but you are right. They
don't. But they really gave the Ma-Po Tofu that extra edge. I had
wondered before how the restaurants get Ma-Po Tofu (the best versions,
that is) to taste as good as it does. My version this time, had that
quality of restaurant versions...and I am certain it was the