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cybercat cybercat is offline
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"Edwin Pawlowski" > wrote in message
.. .
>> cybercat wrote:


>>> I wish people would leave her alone.

> Leaver her alone? She is the poster girl for wasted tax dollars in our
> school system. That clip should be played to every teacher and school
> administrator in the US.
> After that, every blond with a recordable IQ should stone her for giving
> them the "dumb blond" reputation.
> Some of her bumbling was probably stage freight once she got started and
> she knew she did not have a viable answer, but still, it was a mess.

Edwin, you are not a nice man. I recall that a while back, you seemed to
something other than vitriol and petty meanness to offer. I'm sorry you are
a dickhead.

As for this, "She is the poster girl for wasted tax dollars in our
school system" well, she probably tests well. That is what is happening
now, teachers are teaching the kids how to ace tests, not to learn anything.
It's CYOB all the way.

In any case, she is a child. And a gd beauty contest contestant, not a
budding nuclear
physicist. Joining the feeding frenzy does not look good on anyone.