Omelet wrote on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 09:19:16 -0500:
??>>> I think he was critical of the addition of Lard and Salt
??>>> Pork. ;-) For those that still believe that eating animal
??>>> fat is unhealthy, it would sound like Heart attack on a
??>>> plate.
??>> A triple by-pass actually.
??>> What source do you have that fats that are solid at room
??>> temperature are healthy? -- FB - FFF
??>> Billy
O> I'd suggest you do more research.
O> More and more, high triglyceride levels appear to cause more
O> damage.
O> Guess what causes them to be high?
O> It's not fat...
O> Mine used to run around 600 mg/dl. when I was in college.
O> Now they run around 80 mg/dl.
O> Fat was not what I gave up to do that.
O> Oddly enough, my endocrinologist knows this and
O> congratulates me for giving up sugar and starch for the most
O> part when she sees my blood levels. :-)
O> Don't buy soft drinks or donuts, or bread.
That seems about as likely as the commercial where kids break a
pinata and dive on the enclosed celery sticks with great joy!
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
E-mail, with obvious alterations: