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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Posts: 8,635
Default Goat Roti recipe?

Does anyone have a favorite goat roti recipe?

I have about a pound and a quarter of free-roaming goat (believe
it's a leg cut, lots of fat marbled through it, maybe it's
a shoulder). Left to myself I will braise the goat for a couple
hours in curry spices, broth, tomato and onion (with maybe a petite
habanero in there). I'll make a spelt-flour, yeast dough
with tumeric in it for color, and then assembly the thing like
a calzone large enough for two people and bake it.

I'll google for recipes to see if I'm missing anything, but
any pointers appreciated.

For reference, if you've had a goat roti at Reef in Vancouver,
that's one I consider good. But I do not know what style it is
supposed to be (Trinidad, Jamaica, etc.)
