Thread: Leeks
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Kathleen[_4_] Kathleen[_4_] is offline
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Default Leeks

Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> "cybercat" > wrote:
>>So one night I went to bed before he did, turned out the lights, etc.,
>>and next thing I know, I am sitting up with the light on, rummaging
>>in the nightstand and he is talking to me. He asked what I was doing,
>>and I heard myself say, "looking for my curling iron." Thing is, I have
>>not owned a curling iron for 15 years. So then I believed him. I
>>was caught red-handed "sleep rummaging." So I saw my doc about it.
>>>If the trend continues, I'll talk to you and my doc about it.

>>It's good you have someone living with you, had I not, I don't think
>>I ever would have believed I was sleepwalking. Hopefully you're
>>not. By the way, I had no indication of ever sleepwalking before--
>>though I have always talked, laughed, sang, told jokes ...
>>>It's rather dangerous!

>>It is. I was lucky.

> I've always woken up in bed... Does that count? ;-)
> Night before last was a weird night. I woke up from 3 nightmares about 2
> hours apart. Not normal for me.
> I've talked to a couple people at work that also experienced
> uncomfortable dreams during the eclipse. I'm thinking that had something
> to do with it.
> Dad was up with me at 3 am too after "freaky" dreams.

I've sleepwalked more than a few times during periods of intense stress.
Once I went into my parents' room, dragging my bedspread, and told
them I was tired and to get the hell out of my room. Another time I
woke up downstairs with every light on, standing in front of the
bookcases. And several times I woke up in the pitch dark on the second
story landing of the stairs, totally disoriented. I've also had
extended, apparently lucid conversations with my husband that I have no
memory of at all.