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jmcquown jmcquown is offline
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Default What Good Are Kitchen Gadgets? (Andy Rooney/60 Minutes)

Andy wrote:
> jmcquown said...
>> Omelet wrote:
>>> In article >, Andy <q> wrote:
>>>> Omelet said...
>>>>> In article >, Andy <q> wrote:
>>>>>> Omelet said...
>>>>>>> In article >, Andy <q>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> A windows media player video of Andy Rooney on last night's 60
>>>>>>>> Minutes, discussing his kitchen gadgets.
>>>>>>>> Windows media player required OR
>>>>>>>> Visit: and scroll down the right
>>>>>>>> sidebar and click on the 60-minutes video "What Good Are
>>>>>>>> Kitchen Gadgets?" to play in Real Player.
>>>>>>>> Andy
>>>>>>> Ok, whatever...
>>>>>>> I'm not going to burn cellphone minutes to watch a video.
>>>>>>> Thanks anyhoo.
>>>>>> It has nothing to do with cellphone minutes. That was an intro
>>>>>> ad-blurb before the video begins!
>>>>>> Sheesh!
>>>>>> Andy
>>>>> Well, it didn't work.
>>>>> Oh well!
>>>> Sorry but, if you saw the cell-phone blurb it works.
>>>> Were you too lazy to try the alternate weblink I provided?
>>>> Andy
>>> I tried both.
>>> Dead ends both...

>> Works for me. I have one of those pasta measuring things!

> Do tell!
> Is it accurate?

It measures in ounces and also indicates # of servings for people who can't
figure out how many ounces of pasta they need for a specific recipe. Works
for me Of course it only works for long skinny pastas (see the Spaghetti