Thread: Advice on oil
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Default Advice on oil

Steve Pope > wrote:
> In article >, > wrote:

> >Steve Pope > wrote:

> >> How long do you keep it around? In my experience corn,
> >> safflower, sunflower oils all only have good smoke points when
> >> fresh. After just a couple months they have a low smoke point.

> >For the funnel cake stuff I don't keep it after more than
> >a few days of cooking. I won't use old oil. I might save it
> >and use it after a week or two, but no longer than that.
> >My fryers are pretty shallow and only use a couple gallons.

> Thanks. My question was unclear; I am interested in the
> shelf life of the oil, as opposed to the timespan over which one
> cooks with it. My observation is it breaks down just by
> being stored too long.

Ah, I really don't have enough experience to know. This funnel
cake thing is a new venture and we haven't used any oil that
*we* have had sitting around, though it's hard to tell how
long the supermarket or restaurant supply place has had it.
I may find out in a few weeks as we'll be doing a Fall
festival and we got more oil than we needed about a month ago,
so that will have been sitting for at least 2 months. I'll let
you know how it goes.

Bill Ranck
Blacksburg, Va.