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Andy[_2_] Andy[_2_] is offline
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Default Whatever Happened to Spaghetti?

Dee Dee said...

> "Joe Cilinceon" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "notbob" > wrote in message
>> . ..
>>> On 2007-08-29, Blair P Houghton > wrote:
>>>> I think you were had. There's no way that person didn't
>>>> recognize "spaghetti". Just not possible.
>>> You must not interact much with today's astonishingly ignorant kids. I
>>> had a garage sale and a kid in his late teens or early 20s (gen y?)
>>> pulled up in his car and asked me if I had any recording equipment. I
>>> was standing right next to a large stereo reel-to-reel tape recorder.
>>> I was speechless, so just turned a half-way around and pointed at the
>>> recorder. He said, "What's that?" This appears to be the norm rather
>>> then the exception with the latest generation that seems completely
>>> oblivious to anything beyond the sphere of an ipod or cell phone.
>>> nb

>> Cut the kid some slack they haven't made a reel to reel recorder since
>> before he was probably born. LOL Actually the last one I bought was
>> back in about 1980 and they where hard to find then.
>> Joe Cilinceon

> I try to put myself in their place - as I remember an old thick record
> that we used to play of Caruso singing something famous. I was 11,
> brought up in the hicks to be a hick and 'they' were astounded that I
> didn't know who he was.
> Perhaps people are just as deprived today in some parts as they were a
> half-century ago - both schools and home.
> Dee Dee

Our family was somehow gifted with an OLD crank-wind record player. The
stylus amounted to nothing more than little nails.

The records were heavy double sided vinyl with a metal plate in the middle,
probably 10" diameter.

The unit was approximately 2'w x 2'd x 4' tall.

It spun moldy-oldies at variable speeds, iirc, up to 78 rpms.
