Property Values Predict Obesity
"Ms P" > wrote in message
> "Ward Abbott" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Wed, 29 Aug 2007 18:15:08 -0400, T >
>> wrote:
>>> Someday when you get a chance
>>>walk into a convenience store and note the prices on the cheap carbs and
>>>then prices on fruits if the store carries such things.
>>>The cheap carbs win out.
>> It just ****es me off to see a doublewide divorcee with a grocery cart
>> full of Klondikes, Twinkies and Ho-Ho's and then have the nerve to pay
>> for the garbage with food stamps. I should have a say what they can
> I'm impressed at your psychic abilities!!
> I've never been able to tell just from what's in someone's cart if they're
> divorced or not. Since this state doesn't have paper food stamps anymore
> I can't tell if they're paying with food stamps or a debit card.
> Ms P
As well, I've never been able to tell an obese person's financial status by
what they have in their cart.
Dee Dee