"levelwave" > wrote in message
> Reg wrote:
> >
> >
> > Reg wrote:
> >
> >> kosher -> table - subtract 20%
> >> table -> kosher - add 20%
> >>
> >
> > Sorry that's reversed. Actually it's:
> >
> > kosher -> table - add 20%
> > table -> kosher - subtract 20%
> You're almost right either way - depending on which you're "adding" to
> or "subracting" from...
> What's the conversion for table salt to kosher salt?
> If you want to use kosher salt for table salt, multiply the
> table salt quantity by 1.5.
> 1 teaspoon table salt = 1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt
> 1 1/2 teaspoon table salt = 2 1/4 teaspoons kosher salt
> 2 teaspoons table salt = 3 teaspoons kosher salt
> If you want to use table salt for kosher salt, multiply the
> kosher salt quantity by 2/3
> 1 teaspoon kosher salt = 2/3 teaspoon table salt
> 1 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt = 1 teaspoon table salt
> 2 teaspoon kosher salt = 1 1/3 teaspoon table salt
> http://www.goodeatsfanpage.com/FAQ/FAQ400s.htm
> ~john!
Unfortunately these precise conversions are meaningless because there are
different brands of kosher salt with different grain size. I believe your
numbers are close for Morton's but will be off for other brands. Best to put
in less than you think is needed and taste.
Peter Aitken
Remove the crap from my email address before using.