The pig man just called
Sheldon wrote:
> On Aug 30, 6:27?am, Goomba38 > wrote:
>> Sheldon wrote:
>>> If your Cardiologist made that statement he or she is an imbecile...
>>> the lean portion of either pork or beef contains the same quantity of
>>> cholesterol by weight.
>> Doctors are not nutritionists.
> Has not a whit to do with being a nutritionist. Has to do with basic
> intelligence and common sense... actually all six of my cat's brains
> can ascertain within nanoseconds that porterhouse contains more
> cholesterol than round... and none have a diploma.
> Sheldon Lips
I'm not disputing that porterhouses contain more cholesterol. I just
find it odd that people expect doctors to be nutritionists who can spout
off fat contents or nutritional values of particular pieces of meat for
some odd reason? I can't grasp where they got the idea that they should be?
I just used your post to voice this statement. It was not a statement
about what you said exactly...