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hahabogus hahabogus is offline
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Default help - chilli - recipe

(Steve Pope) wrote in news:fb24dd$cr0$1

> I don't know all the whys and wherefores of it, but it is a risk.
> I'll tell you, it's pretty disappointing when a pot of beans
> simply will not cook because you let a small amount of tomato
> or lemon or lime in it. (This recently happend to a pot of
> beans here just because someone in the kitchen was sloppy about
> stirring it with a spoon that had tomato sauce on it.)
> Steve

Consider the amount of tomato sauce on a spoon used to stir that tomato
sauce or to scrape that sauce out of a can...whatever; carefully
collected I doubt it would measure even a 1/4 tsp. Consider the acidic
level of that collected 1/4 tsp of sauce.

If you are having problems with cooking a pot full of beans because
considerably less than a tsp of tomato sauce was introduced, I suggest
that where you are buying the beans is the problem. Just like grocery
store spices beans age and should be used well before their first

Beans that are too old will be crunchier than beans with a little acidity
added to the water. 1 cup of beans cooking in 3 or 4 cups of water
wouldn't have much of a PH change from way less than 1 tsp of tomato

County to county, town to town the ph level of plain tap water changes
and one of your neighbours is cooking beans in more acidic water than
your way less than a tsp of tomato sauce effected pot of beans, with no
trouble at all.

I know this because for years I couldn't cook beans to save my
life...until I tried some from a store that had better bean turn around.


The house of the burning beet-Alan

It'll be a sunny day in August, when the Moon will shine that night-
Elbonian Folklore