Spam again..a record perhaps?
The wrote on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 13:08:39 -0500:
??>> I just looked at, marked all messages read and
??>> continued with other groups. In less than 5 minutes, the
??>> autosychronize showed 38 messages. My filters allowed
??>> exactly one of them thro' !
??>> I recently concluded that I don't need any messages from
??>> googlemail sites and I am still considering killing gmail.
TC> Get an ISP that filters most of the crap for you and a news
TC> reader that allows to filer the rest without losing
TC> messages from people you want to read.
That's pretty nearly what I have but I do find it interesting to
see the statistics prior to filtering. I will admit that the
names in my kill file are included in the count but, apart from
a very few regular posters who I don't care to read for various
reasons, the number is small. Mind you, I wouldn't be surprised
if the killing is mutual :-) A few other fertile sources of spam
are and
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
E-mail, with obvious alterations: