Peter A wrote:
> In article >, says...
> > Regarding the wine list, sometimes a wine stays at a low price
> > on a winelist even as its market price has gone up with time.
> > They could have bought it pre-arrival at a bargain, and never
> > marked it up to market. Probably they are not losing any money.
> First of all, pre-arrival purchases never make that much of a difference
> in price in wine. Even so, you miss the point. The guy thought he was
> taking advantage of the restaurant due to a typo. Hence he is a sleaze.
What makes it worse was the way he gloated over having puled a fast one on
the restaurant. He could easily have just said that it is his favourite
wine, that it is hard to get and it is a good price. But no..... he had to
let the lawyer know that it was such a steal and obviously a mistake and
that he was going to take advantage of it.
It reminds me of the old joke about two lawyers walking down the street and
see a beautiful lady. One layer turns to the other and says "How would you
like to **** her?" and the other lawyer replied "Out of what?"